I'm not sure what this post is about or where it is going to go.
You see I have been feeding my brain for the last 2 months and it hasn't fully digested the information yet. Usually when it has it burps out a blog entry. It hasn't really done that yet. Maybe because it has been such a big meal.
Anyway, what have I been feeding it? I watched the Ken Burn PBS series on the US Civil War, then his series on the Second World War. And finally I watched the Ten Thousand Day War about the Vietnam conflict. I have been trying to put this into context. Huge numbers of men, women and children died in these wars. 620,000 in the Civil War, 400,000 in WW2 and 50,000 US Soldiers in Vietnam. Huge numbers by any account. But then those numbers lose all context when we look at the Chinese civil war where 20 million people died. I can't get my head around that.
Then I have to juxtapose that with our current conflicts. In 5 years of "war" in Iraq the US has lost 4,000. Canada has lost just over 100 in Afghanistan. And we are devastated?
In the Battle of the Wilderness in May 1864 the US lost 4,000 in one morning, on one side. A slaughter by all accounts.
So what am I trying to say? I don't know. Do we measure a conflict by its losses? By the number of "innocent" victims? Its duration, percentage of population lost, brutality?
Do I put it into my context? In some wars 50% of young men were lost. If I pick 3 of my best friends and take away 2, including maybe me? How would life be different. What if my city was bombed, or I nearly starved because no food could get through. What if my town was overrun by the enemy, or I was sent to a prison camp for my nationality, religion, colour?
Have we been lucky? Or leaders been more careful. Have we evolved to a higher level where we don't fight big wars anymore? Not likely. Maybe white European people have seen the futility of it all and avoid it at all costs. Our African friends certainly have not learned this, see Darfur or Rwanda.
So what did I learn from all these programs? Good programs where most of the history was first accounts, not some wizened professor's interpretation. The Civil War was dictated by 4 diaries, the Second World war by its survivors and the Vietnam war by the people who fought it. They were there and they told it like it was. Generals, politicians, soldiers, civilians. An honest account. And they all let you make up your own mind. Maybe that is what I am struggling with. I have made up my mind and it still seems so unreal, so wrong. I cannot even place myself in their shoes it is so out of context for me.
When my father emigrated, he chose Canada because there was no chance of me being conscripted. Was he telling me something, what did he know? He never served, never knew anyone who served and no war ever touched his country in his lifetime.
I guess maybe I am wrestling with what I would do if I was put in a situation where my country decided to go to war. I have no faith in our political leaders. Mainly because they are politicians, they have no experience of war and some seem too eager to fight, as long as they don't have to pick up a gun.
But what would I do? Enlist? Run? Become a war profiteer? If I was 18 I would enlist because I knew nothing then. I was accepted by the Armed Forces to go to officer training when I was 18 but did not follow through. Maybe I did know what I was doing. At my age and situation I would never be conscripted, but if I was asked, I would not go. I know the horrors and I know I would not survive. Even if I was not killed I would not come back the same. Would I run? Not with a family to support. So I would stay home and not go. And that may be what I struggle with. Because there would be people that would go and would die and would come home damaged. They sacrificed and I did not.
I was raised to be a good citizen in the true meaning of the word and I am raising my family to do the same. Being a citizen means to help others in need, contribute to the whole. Be considerate of others, pitch in when needed, sacrifice when asked. All for the greater good, because I know that if everyone else does the same we will all be in better shape.
Now I know some do not, some take advantage and you will have to live with these people because you cannot send them away. But the vast majority are good citizens. And we do look out for each other but would I go and die to protect that?
Perhaps it is again a "perspective thing". Would I do it for Canada? Maybe, but probably not. Would I do it for Ontario? Nope. For my city? No. For my religion? Maybe. For my family, yes.
If we lived in small city states where we depended on one another for survival and we were under threat, then I would defend. Yes.
But we do not live in city states, or nation states. The lines are blurred and are almost meaningless.
And that may be the crux of the problem. I would defend a situation that no longer exists. And I would not defend what we currently have.
I think society has grown beyond what our DNA can handle. And we started these horrible wars. Applying old mentalities to new situations with disastrous results. And we are not safe or protected from doing it again for there are those out there who would try to force their outdated way of thinking onto a world which is unable to accepted is as it has evolved too far.
I guess we will have to hold fast while they catch up, or hold out while they destroy themselves in order to learn what we already know.
Maybe. I don't know.
Monday, March 09, 2009
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These are the numbers I know.
160 million in the 20th century, and almost half of those in the two World Wars.
So losing 100 Canadians in Afghanistan is nothing. Or is it, if you knew one of them.
One is too many if it is your brother, your father, your child, your friend, or your neighbour.
And as you say, what to do when watching less developed societies make the same mistakes we did?
Sadly, I am afraid it is like telling your child not to touch the hot stove element.
You will tell them, and they will say, "yeah yeah" and get burned.
Either they will learn, or they will destroy themselves.
Unfortunately, some of these "children" have access to toys we learned not to use, like nuclear weapons. But some of these children are wired a bit differently and may not be afraid to use them...
Not to diminish the lives of the 100 Canadians who died. Each one is just as important to their family and loved ones as anyone else.
But the fact that we're so concerned about 100 deaths, shows how lucky we are to live in this country. Where the value of life is so high, that even one solider's death makes the national news.
Unlike other countries, where people live in misery and life is cheap.
Heck...that many people probably die in train wrecks every weekend, in places like India.
- Friar
Mr. Eyeteaguy,
I understand what you are feeling dear fellow. You are wondering what if you were one of the millions who died? What would the effect be? Would anyone remember you?
You are trying to put yourself in a place and time that you do not belong. Don not worry about it. Most of the young men that I knew who marched to war, wanted to go. Felt a great desire to do some good. It was only after they got into battle that their thoughts changed. It was only after they got home that they started to ask the questions.
Please don't "try and wrap your head around" these things. It is for your freedom that we fought and died. I am glad you are enjoying it so much, it makes me happy to see that it was all worth it.
As for your writings, I do wish you would continue. It is not entirely my cup of tea but they are well written and orgininal.
Its awful to think about all the death and destruction caused by war and it is high time that people realized there are so many more important things right now, like saving our planet, creating sustainable resources and space travel. (Our time on Earth is limited methinks!)
Wow. There's a lot of great thought here.
Speaking from south of the border...
"When my father emigrated, he chose Canada because there was no chance of me being conscripted." That really struck me.
My great-grandparents mostly came from a country where they and their ancestors had been oppressed for hundreds of years and were clobbered in a constant, undeclared war to destroy their ethnicity, a war that went on in earnest until the last 20 years or so, and still bubbles beneath the surface. They came here and only instilled love of country, this new one, and pride in that same ethnicity, which we are lucky to be able to voice out loud here.
Some of my uncles did choose to enter the U.S. military in Korea and VietNam, and became lifers; some chose a bunch of higher ed-yoo-cay-shon to try to avoid it; some lucked out on 4-Fs. War and the military have always been very real to me. I have cousins spread out across the globe in the military right now. What does it all mean?
When I was young I was very anti-military. How dare "they" take our boys and put them in harm's way in foreign lands? I'd go to Canada before I'd let them take me, I thought, from my safe navel-gazing position as a woman.
Now I see it differently.
War sucks. Death sucks. But even though mistakes are too frequently made, maybe there is such a thing as a moral imperative. Defending a nation? Better than standing by and watching it be consumed, as is tragically happening in some regions right now. Defending the helpless in another nation against vicious aggressors? Yep. Wish we were helping more in some lands.
Defending oil fields? Lord help us all. That's not what it's supposed to be about.
We'll never get it entirely right—and no matter what side you're on you'll probably think you're on the "right" side. I grew up with a deep sense of what it was like to be the voiceless ones, but I imagine now that the aggressor-nation probably thought they were as right as those who rose up against them.
When I watched The War I was tearful from minute number one. Those boys were beautifully proud, no regrets, and it's been an anchor in many of their lives. Felt that way about the American Revolution (watch HBO's John Adams or read McCullough's book that it's based on, both are well worth it) and the Civil War, too.
I'd defend my kid and my home. Naturally.
I'd defend my country, I know now. I was wrong when I was a young adult.
And if I'd been in the old country, faced with the eradication of my language, my records, my religion, and my rights... darn straight. I'd defend my heritage, even against what was officially "their" rulers.
Maybe we lack those deeply-held beliefs now, a thought which scares me. Or maybe we have the luxury, with little occurring on our own soil, of noodling about it now. I guess I'm saying we're a bit spoiled in that.
Oops. This comment got a little, teeny bit long. ;) Your rambling thoughts got my thoughts rambling. Thanks for this!
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